Centec Process System Carbonation


SKU: Carbonator

Manufacturer: Centec


The Carbonator is designed for continuous injection of carbon dioxide into soft drinks and mineral water. A precisely defined and constant CO2 content is an essential quality feature for carbonated beverages.


For CO2 supply the Carbonator has a specifically designed Vortex-Venturi injector that feeds carbon dioxide in a very large number of very fine bubbles directly into the product stream. Due to high pressure and turbulent flow, the CO2 dissolves completely and absolutely homogeneously in a very short time. At the end of the dissolving path a control valve is installed. This valve keeps the pressure in the system constant and above the saturation pressure. The flows and the CO2 content are permanently monitored and automatically adjusted in the process. Therefore, the system is equipped with high precision flow meters and a CARBOTEC sensor made by Centec. Centec have decades of experience in the development and manufacturing of own precision instruments for CO2 control. The desired concentration of CO2 is precisely met in the carbonated product. The Carbonator is integrated into the CIP cleaning cycle of the main product line.

  • High precision CARBOTEC sensor for process control
  • Specifically designed Vortex-Venturi injector for gas injection
  • Customized modular design with a standard PLC
  • Skid mounted for easy installation and start-up
  • Hygienic execution and full CIP capability

Typical Technical Data

Capacity 2 - 2.000 hl/h
Dosing Range CO2 0,5 - 10 g/l
Dosing Accuracy CO2 ± 0,1 g/l (on request 0,05 g/l)
Material according to requirements (1.4301/AISI 304, 1.4404, 1.4435/AISI 316L, …)
Options different automation levels; remote maintenance access; in-line pH, O2 measurement; nitrogenation; buffer tank; cooling